Best Dating Site In Your 30s

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Best Dating Site In Your 30s 7,0/10 708 reviews
  1. Best Dating Site In Your 30s And 40s
  2. Best Dating Sites In Your 40s

Last updated on December 2, 2021

Well, that would be strange to have the mind and brains of a teenager when you are in your 30s. Have you noticed that your life has changed a lot? That is a natural process of wise nature, pushing us to perfection;) So do not feel sad about the years that are gone, appreciate the advantages of the age you have now.

In the Article 'Dating Over 30 — Meet & Chat with 30 yo Singles'

Dating Women Over 30

Yes, dating women in their 30s is different. Something became easier, something – harder.
Over 30s dating is easier as you now have more control over your emotions, more picky and rational and this means it is harder to take advantage of you. Dating over the 30s can be more difficult as usually mature people have the sad experience of broken relationships before - surely, such experience has made you wiser but also there can be trust issues. You can be afraid of possible pain and do not let your date take her place in your heart because of such fears. This issue is very typical if you try dating in your 30s after divorce. But you know, those people who have faced bad times, later appreciate life presents more, and crisis not only teaches us severe life lessons but stimulates our personal development.

  • Anyone left in 30 without a couple is likely to have experienced some kind of misfortune: the partner left, cheated, or died. But it's time to leave the past behind. You shouldn't talk on a date about how your ex cheated on you for three years, and you didn't notice until everything became completely obvious. Forget about it! Everyone has their own skeletons in the closet, but this is not a reason to put them in the public. Yes, your past made you who you are now, but it does not define the present and the future. Instead, focus on what is happening right now and where you are going.
  • When you go through a series of unsuccessful relationships, a natural defense mechanism kicks in: if you do not let people close, they will not be able to hurt you. But if you avoid closeness, you won't be able to find a match. When the time comes and you meet a person with whom you will have reciprocity, remove the protection. Be vulnerable. If you are worried about this, tell yourself that everything will be okay. You know it will.
  • It's easy to get bored and sad after 30: you have had so many failed relationships that you no longer believe in a different outcome. It's important not to give in to negative thoughts. If you think it won't work, it will not work. Try to think positive. Don't show your frustration when you meet a new person. You don't know how things will turn out, so give it a shot. Also, avoid being overly candid. On a second date, you better shouldn't say that you want three children and have already chosen their names. That definitely can scare everyone away.
  • When you're in your 30s, it's easy to get hung up on things that you still don't have. You are not married, you do not have a wonderful home and children. It's okay to want it all. But it is not worth every new acquaintance to arrange interrogation with prejudice in order to understand whether he is worthy to become the father of your children. Have fun and get to know the person better. If you're not having fun in a relationship, it's meaningless regardless of age. Relationships don't have to be work and depression. They should be filled with joy, care, and love - either at 23 or at 46.
  1. Dating in Your 30s Just Feels Different—Here’s How to Find What. By connecting over video chat, Kallail was able to chat with his date, who lives nearby.
  2. What features does the site need to have to help you find your. Click the links now to begin finding your unique match through the best online dating.

What Women Think In Their 30s

Some say 30 is the new 20, but I think dating in your 30s is better than ever. You’ve learned from the mistakes you made when you were younger and your outlook on love has grown. Our 10 Best Dating Blogs for 30-Somethings are proof that life doesn’t stop after 29.

  • When you are in your 20s, one red rose and champagne can be the reason to create a family. Well, even the phrases “you have beautiful eyes” and “I've been waiting for you all my life” performing just well. In your 30s, the courier with amazing lilies is not a surprise at all. No, it's magical, of course, but ... A huge bunch of greens for salad or fruits from the grocery store will make your day.
  • When you are 20 - it's so much easier. When a man is telling: 'I'm tired of being perfect for everyone, I want to be perfect only for you, baby' - and she melted, he's so gorgeous!
  • Earlier, in her youth, the girl might like it when the guy sometimes disappeared. It's mysterious and exciting. But after 30 a woman doesn't notice someone who is gone. And someone who makes every single thing difficult, and the one who disappears without any notice. When you are older, you don't want to solve such puzzles.

Now, in your 30s you know yourself so well that you can feel the wrong person by the first line in the chat, you guess the incompatibility from the first word.

  • In her youth, a girl wants her boyfriend to admire, how she can do everything, no worse than men. And after 30 she needs more down to Earth man: so he can make a decision, fixes the lock, opens the bank.
  • In her youth, a girl wants a guy to take her to an ultra-modern place, but now in her 30s, she is terribly attracted by the offer: 'Let's go and have a tasty meal. ' And so sexy when a man is cooking dinner, even something very simple. Even navy-style pasta, not to impress, but because she loves it.
  • In her youth, a girl likes fashionable guys, but later fashionable ones are alarming. Especially if they are in jeans-tights and with a forelock. Impudent. Brr. Closer are those in clean cotton clothes. Soft clothes are so nice to hug.
  • Instead of old attractive scum, tender fathers touch the heart. Instead of perfectly shaved - bearded and with tattoos. Instead of sparkling ones, those who are ironic. And also those who live with mom no longer seem cute.
  • Previously, those who say: 'Sex is not the main thing' - were considered polite princes, and now it causes serious suspicions ...
  • Sexy, when it is fun and simple, sexy when a person is smart, sexy when he is not offended, and when he is honest, it’s very sexy. Even loyalty among aphrodisiacs soared to the top with age. And if a person is close to the goal of raising grandchildren, then there is generally fire!
  • All sorts of little things like 'he walking around the house in socks and underpants', its somehow ceased to be so striking.
  • One thing has not changed: it's still romantic and fun to hug on a bench in the park. True, you have to come with your blanket and expensive wine. And then call a taxi, because driving drunk at our age is not sexy at all.

Chat Rooms for 30-Year-Olds


  • If earlier love relationships were preceded by great knowledge about another person, now there is enough information in the profile. In fact, it is important to define for yourself what is important to you: and briefly describe this information in the section about yourself.
  • Often, both men and women on a dating site in the section about themselves indicate their height and weight, sometimes - the sign of the zodiac, marital status. On average, men are interested in attractive girls, while women are looking for handsome, stable, confident men in the same way. In general, there is nothing new here: the majority are looking for masculine and feminine models in the same way as they did in the newspapers a century ago.

Profile Picture

  • In 2017, there was a lot of talk about researching the 'perfect photography' for a dating site. This is a crisp, high-contrast, good-resolution photo that shows the user with prominent eyes and a smile, with the upper third of the body visible. These are natural and very understandable criteria. Of course, a smile attracts attention: such a picture will gain more likes on both Instagram and Facebook too. Close-ups and mediums are more commonly used. But this is generally the case for pictures today. That is, this is a study that simply scientifically confirmed the known facts.

Chat Advice

Gestures, like intonation, facial expressions, are non-verbal means of communication at the age of 30 and at any other age.

  • Show the other person that you are open to conversation. It means, doesn't constantly look at the phone, don't cross your arms or legs, and don't look down at the floor.
  • Straighten your back and shoulders, show that you are confident, but not tense.
  • Moderate gestures will help to attract the attention of the interlocutor.
  • Get rid of the habits of touching your hair, fidgeting in your chair, and twisting the handle in your hands. Don't forget - your chat partner looks at you and evaluates every action.
  • Make eye contact, be open and friendly. Use eye contact wisely. It is enough to adhere to time intervals of three to five seconds. A gaze can scare the interlocutor or even embarrass him. At the same time, the complete lack of eye contact speaks of your disinterest in the conversation.
  • Take note of the person's thoughts. If you support the other person's point of view, express and show your agreement.
    Only after that, indicate the moments where it seems to you that he is wrong. Thus, you can easily win over any person.
  • Praise the other person. Sincere compliments and attention will delight your interlocutor and lower the communication barrier.
  • Do not engage in dangerous topics. These include, for example, politics, religion, and others, where feelings meet with the faith or worldview of a person.
  • Pay attention not only to the person's speech but also to his non-verbal behavior. If you see that your argument is annoying or makes the interlocutor aggressive, it is better to turn the conversation to another topic.

Expert Advice for Dating in Your 30s

It is no lie that dating in your 30s feels completely different from dating in your 20s! It is a shame that this feeling is out there but below is some advice for how to ensure that dating in your 30s is a successful and enjoyable experience. Read on to find out more and start your 30s dating journey now!

  • In your 30s you will have probably had some different experiences, especially romantically. You can use these to make sure you are clear, namely with yourself, about what you want and what you are looking for. While physical attraction is important you must make sure you focus on inner traits such as personality and core values. Focus your energy and attention on the good features you are looking for and you will begin spotting singles who possess these traits!
  • When creating a dating profile be honest about your intentions from the outset. If you are planning to get married, have a family, and settle down then do not be scared to write it on your profile! While this may be seen as a brave and bold move it will advertise the sort of relationship you are looking for. Having your heart's desires on your profile will invite those with similar hopes.
  • Make sure you are open to dating someone that is not your usual type, you never know where it might lead you! This is why you should focus on someone's inner traits rather than just basing your attraction on appearance. Stay clear about the values and personality traits you are looking for and remain open about appearance, height, ethnicity, etc and you will find romance!
  • You may start thinking that you urgently need to find love because of being in your 30s, the ‘clock is ticking’ mentality. This thought process piles on the pressure and that can make the dating world a daunting place. It is key to remember that love has no end date, no expiration. Take the pressure off yourself and focus your attention on doing everything you can to encourage all the things you want in the right partner. Just trust in the process and that it will happen when it is meant to!
  • Who hasn’t heard of the dating rules? Waiting a few days to call or not being the one to make the first move are just a couple of the ‘rules’ you need to completely get rid of! These rules can get in the way of finding true romance. Every situation is different so ditch these rules! The only rule you should be following is not to wait for the perfect person because we are all, by nature, imperfect.
  • This is possibly the hardest piece of advice to follow but….be confident. Smile at that attractive stranger or message that interesting person online and boost your confidence. Increasing your confidence will make the dating game more enjoyable and, in the long run, easier.
  • While most of the dating world takes place online these days it is important to remember that you could still meet the perfect partner in the offline world. With increased confidence, you should find it easier to strike up a conversation with a stranger and start your journey to finding true love. A healthy balance of online and offline dating is definitely recommended.
  • One of the most important pieces of advice you can be given is to listen to your intuition when dating in your 30s, and at any age! By your 30s you would have many dating and relationship experiences that can inform your decisions later in life. In the past, you may have worked really hard on a relationship that should never have happened. There could have been many red flags that you ignored in the hope that the relationship will work. Now is the time to pay attention to that gut feeling and ensure you don’t waste your time and energy on someone who is not right for you.
  • Don’t focus on the past. It is highly likely you have suffered heartbreak in your 20s, whether being ghosted, cheated on, a messy breakup, or even going through a divorce. These experiences guide us later in life and inform our decisions. Focus on the here and now, your future, and leave the exes in the past. Your ex is an ex for a reason so allow happiness to enter your life! This is also important during dating. Don’t talk about your ex or past relationships….especially during the infancy of the relationship.
  • Make sure you are honest from the outset. A lot of people, understandably, put up a natural barrier due to past relationships. It is important to be yourself and allow yourself to be vulnerable. If you do not let anyone in, you will never find the one. This may make you feel anxious but you should embrace this. If it doesn’t work out then it was not meant to be!
  • Age is just a number! Does it really matter? When dating in your 30s it is much more acceptable to date a wider range of ages. Rather than focus on age, you should make sure you are both at the same level in terms of maturity and visions for the future.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to be yourself, be honest, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Enjoy the process, relax and you will find true love. If a connection isn’t made straight away, do not worry! Good luck.

Dos and Dont's Dating in Your 30s

Be clear about your intentions…with yourself! Before you enter the dating world make sure you think about the qualities you are looking for in a potential date. Some people find it useful to list the qualities they desire and keep this with them when exploring dating profiles.
In your thirties it is important to not stick to your usual type. Maybe that is why you have not had much success in the past. Be more flexible and try to look beyond the physical aspects! Find someone on the same wavelength!
Be open to new ways of finding a date. The dating game has changed, don’t rely on one way of finding a date. You could try using dating apps/ sites, social media, a hobby class, or even a coffee shop! Keep your options open!
In our thirties we may have suffered heartbreak a few times which can leave us guarded. Be more hopeful than guarded. Having hope will prevent you from blocking your way to finding happiness and true love. Allow your heart to hope, be optimistic and spontaneous. Open your heart, let someone into your life and you will find yourself on the path of finding true romance!
Don’t focus too much on age! While some people will have an age bracket in mind, others believe that compatibility and understanding are more important. It is important that you find the right balance and don’t limit yourself to finding love with only one age range in mind!
Don’t hide your intentions. It is important you make clear what you are looking for. If you are looking for commitment make sure it is known. Being honest avoids wasting time for everyone!
Don’t date because you have to! Some people mind themselves under pressure from friends and family to find someone. This sort of pressure can cause you to enter into something that you are not ready for or looking for.
Don’t play games. We all know the games some people play - Not calling after the first (or any) date, not calling them first, or waiting for the other person to ask you when arranging the next date. This way of ‘acting cool’ will not help you make a connection. Of course, you must remember….do not get too excited and call many times a day!

Tips for Dating Over 30s

Some tips may help you to overcome your fears and inspire you to seek your love.

1. Take Your Time

Do not try to start dating the next day after divorce. You will not be able to choose the proper partner as you are still overwhelmed with negative emotions. And the wrong partner will only bring more mess to your life. Whether it's been a month or 6 years after you broke up with your partner, you can't be sure you're ready for a new relationship. Of course, you are not ready! Especially when it’s unpleasant to even think about a new romance. But, as soon as the thought of dating comes to your mind, you should think about the time to start chatting. After all, even if your first experience turns out to be terrible, you can take a step back and wait a little longer.

Remember that your fears are normal, because you have experienced a great shock and, quite possibly, will experience it again. Nobody forces you to jump into the pool with your head. “Start gradually. Go to a meeting with old friends, accept an invitation to a party ... '

2. Try Not to Be Demanding

  • Of course, all of us want to find a special match. But to find a perfect princess you should be a perfect prince yourself. Are you? People shouldn't be together just because they see each other as more or less acceptable options. Such a relationship will be unhealthy and will not last long. However, you shouldn't wait for the fairytale prince either. You are not perfect, so stop looking for the perfect partner.
  • Make a list of the qualities of a future partner and who exactly are you looking for. A partner for life? Or one nightstand? Or maybe just a person with whom it will be pleasant to spend your leisure time? The idea is that you have to consciously decide what kind of relationship you are looking for. It would be right to share your goals with a potential partner.

3. Be Honest but Do Not Trust Blindly

  • Don't try to pretend to be someone else. You can't pretend forever, so acknowledge who you are and be yourself. Confidence attracts.
  • Good communication plays a key role in any relationship, whether with your best friend or with a work colleague. When you are in your 30s, you must communicate honestly and openly on dates. Your partner should behave the same way. The first fight happened? Discuss it in an adult way. If you don't start discussing the relationship early on, it will get harder later on.
  • But do not be suspicious as well! Act with your date like with the lady whom you can trust but if she betrays your trust, make your conclusions.

4. Do Not Tell Long Stories about How Awful Your Ex Was

You can mention the sad experience but a decent and responsible man would not blame his ex for everything. Obviously, this is not a very good dating mindset. 'Such thoughts only spoil your mood and limit your chances of finding love.' Keeping your negative thoughts in check will soon develop the habit of thinking optimistically, which in turn will prepare you for dating.

5. While Dating Inspire the Lady to Talk about Her Life and Listen Attentively ;)

You will be surprised how well you can understand the woman after the first date.

6. Dating Women Over 30 is Easier

As well as you, your date knows what kind of man she wants, which qualities are important for her and which are not. She will not be shy to tell you about her needs and share her opinions with you. A mature lady will not pretend she is the woman you want to see and will not hide her nature. Yes, you both are smarter now and in 2-3 dates, you will know if you want to continue or not.

7. There Are Not Many Singles After 30

Your friends say that all lovely ladies are married already and you can’t find one? That is not true, best dating sites for 30-year-olds usually have more single ladies than men so you will have a good chance to find your love there.

Four out of five new acquaintances you meet will disappear - a pattern in the dating world. Someone may simply lose interest, another may have unforeseen problems that you will never know about. Don't take it personally, just try to remember that the more people you meet, the more likely you are to find the person you want. And don't be afraid to meet with several partners at the same time, don't put all your eggs in one basket. We are, of course, talking about courtship and the initial stages of communication, you will have to decide before the relationship with one of the applicants becomes serious. You shouldn't cheat partners. Just say, 'I enjoy meeting you, but I want you to know that I am also meeting others now.'

8. Online dating sites for 30-year-olds

Perhaps, when you were in search of a romantic relationship the last time, there was no internet yet, let alone internet dating. But the world has changed a lot since then, now applications and sites for finding a partner have become a part of everyday life. The prejudice that only losers or perverts are sitting on such sites is worth leaving in the past.

Try online dating even if you haven’t done that before. Now your life is settled down and that is more difficult to meet new people. Dating sites for over 30s can help you to get acquainted with ladies whom you would never have a chance to meet without a net.
30 plus dating sites unite single people who are eager to create new relationships and start dating again. So you will not have any doubts about the goals of ladies there - all of them have a wish to meet a good man and forget about the sad experiences in the past.
How do choose the best online dating sites for 30-year-olds? Actually, all dating sites have a search engine where you can choose the age of the ladies you are interested in. So also check other possibilities of the site – does it suggest local dating or dating in a special country you might be interested in? Does it have clients’ feedback with real stories of success? Does it give any anti-scam guarantees to its members?

9. Choose the proper age of your date

Of course, that is so tempting to start again with a younger partner. But if you are from different generations, sooner or later this will cause problems even if you are madly in love at the beginning of relationships.

10. Don't Let Kids Stop You

Of course, if you have a child, dating at home or introducing them to a new partner is only worthwhile if the relationship has become serious. But this does not mean that the fear of receiving disapproval from children should stop you. Too many parents hide behind their children as an excuse not to meet new people. Be sincere and respectful, but don't apologize for wanting to improve your personal life. Most children just want their parents to be happy, and most likely won't get in the way.

Good luck with finding your partner! And we are always ready to help you (wink) Register here, get a small surprise from our team to start communication right now!

You may also want to read about dating in the USA: New York dating, LA dating, Miami dating, dating in the UK: London dating, Manchester Dating, Dating in Birmingham, Dating in Ireland.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dating After 30

❤️ Is Dating Harder in Your 30s?

Dating in your 30s is not harder, it is different than in your 20s;) Anyway, you have other needs and goals now, you are more confident and you have less time. You know what you want from life and what kind of lady can make you happy. You are immune to emotional swings and manipulations now. So start courting the lady you choose - now you know how to do that, don’t you?

❤️ How Is Dating Different in Your 30s?

When you are single in your 30s and want to change that, obviously you will be pickier and you will act in a relationship according to your experience in the past. If that experience was destroying, take care of minimizing its influence on you – go to see a psychologist or read some books about relationships. Now you know what to suggest to your lady and how to care about her. Make a habit to discuss what you want and what you need in relationships – now you are able to do this.

❤️ Is It Okay To Be Single in Your 30s?

It is okay to be single in your 30s. You, only you, decide what is comfortable for you and what kind of life you want to choose. But if you want to create a family and have kids, that is high time to think about a reliable partner. Family is a long project and you will be busy with it for the next 20 years. So start now to be able to enjoy your kids’ adulting to the fullest.

❤️ Where to Meet Singles in Your 30s?

Life has many ways to make you meet your love. But if you want to control that process and you do not trust the intentions of destiny, try a matchmaking service or Internet dating. Maybe in spite of this, you will fall in love with your new neighbor but being active in your search is a good way to make hints to your destiny;)

When it comes to dating online, you are absolutely spoiled for choice. There are a wide range of options out there and it can be overwhelming when you first get started. Below you’ll find a detailed list of comparisons between the very best online dating sites in the UK so you can make the best possible choice for your unique needs!

This article contains affiliate-links.

  • Leading online matchmaking agency
  • 20+ years of experience
  • 1.6M people have met their partner on Match
  • Intuitive and simple layout
  • More than 20 years of experience
  • Focuses on lasting, long-term relationships
  • 85% of members are highly educated
  • Advanced matchmaking algorithm
  • Only for serious singles
  • 52% of users are graduates
  • Compatibility-based online dating service
  • Basic membership is free
  • Mature dating for singles over 50
  • Hosts real life events
  • Profiles are validated manually
  • For singles who are serious about dating
  • Personality based matchmaking
  • Available in 38 different countries
  • Dating site for singles over 50
  • Matchmaking based on personality
  • Safe and secure to use
  • Behavioral Matchmaking technology
  • More than 12 years of experience
  • High member activity
  • Dating for Christian singles
  • 10 day free trial for new members
  • Active since 1999
  • One of the biggest casual dating sites
  • Free premium trial
  • Perfect for casual hook-ups
  • Dating for singles 50 years and above
  • Scientific personality test
  • Offers video calls
  • Casual dating site
  • Easy and quick registration
  • Mainly for people seeking an affair
  • For sugar babes and sugar daddies
  • One of the leading sites for sugar dating
  • Find a sugar date inside or outside the UK
One of the leading online dating sites in the UK is an absolute behemoth with over 1.5m people on the platform. And even though they’ve been around for years, their interface still feels fresh and modern. There’s a reason why they are one of the foremost brands when it comes to online dating.

Their philosophy is to focus on longer, more-detailed profiles where you go into depth about who you are and what you are looking for. Every component of the registration process is designed to pull out different aspects of who you are to create a nuanced summation of who you are as a person. This makes for much richer and rawer experiences because its slightly less superficial than some of its peers. In addition, the extra information allows the algorithm to perform advanced filtering and search capabilities which match people according to meaningful criteria that make them who they are. It’s the most in-depth platform out there.

As such, effort and honesty get rewarded. The more depth you can display on your profile, the more attractive you’re going to be to other singles on the site. If you’re looking for a quick and easy option – then this isn’t for you. But if you’re willing to be authentic and share honestly about who you are, there are a large proportion of like-minded singles who are waiting to meet you. It’s not an opportunity you get often, so take advantage of it!

Perfect for finding love

More than 20 years experience with online dating

Offers great smartphone app

Lots of members

The profiles are quite in-depth and can take some time to fill out properly.

1 month29.99 £ / month29.99 £
3 months19.99 £ / month59.97 £
6 months9.99 £ / month54.94 £

Establish serious and long-term relationships

eharmony has been around for 20 years and they are still one of the best online dating sites on the market. They claim that they create a harmonious match every 14 minutes and it’s hard to bet against that statistic with the vast scale they’ve been able to build.

Their profile set up uses various personality and compatibility tests which aim to quantify those quirks and preferences that make you who you are. These tests help to determine and categorize how you think, what you care about, and what you’re looking for. All this information is then fed into the system and out the other side pops like-minded singles who you should have some connection with. Forget those boring conversations that go nowhere, you’ll have points of commonalities immediately. And this works wonderfully for people who are looking for real, authentic partnerships.

The long registration process helps to self-select for those who are serious and are looking for something real. If you’re looking for a long-term relationship with an equal, then you’re in the right place. They might just be around the corner. The only way to find out, is to dive in.

Only for singles who are serious about dating

Great matchmaking

Simple and easy to use

Lots of members in the UK and across the world

6 months29.90 £ / month179.40 £
12 months23.90 £ / month286.80 £
24 months17.90 £ / month429.60 £

Serious online dating for singles with a higher education

Elite Singles is exactly as the name suggests – focused on those who have been through higher education. To get onto the site you have to be well-educated which means that every conversation is immediately elevated as you’re dealing with intellectuals through and through. Their process is different to others as they focus on quality over quantity, only showing you 3-7 potential matches per day, curated from their growing user base. This helps to keep things manageable and give you time to invest in a few different conversations rather than trying to keep up in open season.

It’s likely that the people you’ll meet here will be curious, ambitious, driven, and serious about looking for a long-term partner. If intelligence is important to you and you’re tired of playing games – then this is a great place to try. It’s not for everyone, but for some – it is a game changer.

Most members are university educated

Members are serious about dating

Profiles are manually verified

Personality-based matchmaking

Not suitable for those who didn’t go through traditional education

3 months39.95 £ / month119.85 £
6 months21.95 £ / month131.70 £
12 months19.90 £ / month238.80 £

Online dating based on personality-test compatibility

The ‘Parship’ Principle this proprietary matchmaking algorithm that sets this particular site apart. By analyzing 32 different traits using 136 different rules, they can form a>

Great for finding a serious and long-term relationship

Matching based on a unique system called ‘Parship Principle’

Available in 13 countries worldwide

Few members when compared with and eharmony

3 months29.90 £ / month89.70 £
6 months19.90 £ / month119.40 £
12 months14.90 £ / month178.80 £

Popular online dating site for seniors above 50

Dating as a senior is never easy, but with a site like Ourtime, it’s become that much more viable and enjoyable. Their platform matches singles above the age of 50 with others who have similar interests and outlooks on love and relationships. What they’ve been able to build, very intentionally, is a safe space, both online and in-person at their events, for authentic connections and genuine companionship.

They believe that the best of your life is still to come, and we couldn’t agree more. When you use Ourtime, it can open up your eyes to new people, new conversations, and new experiences that you will take you out of your comfort zone and into exciting new territory. And who knows – perhaps that turns into a wonderful long-term relationship. That’s the hope anyway. There’s a level of empathy here that dwarfs a lot of other options. It’s hard to explain in words, but if you go on the siter, you’ll find that the culture encourages open and honest communication, and a really wholesome community of people looking to connect with others in a similar age bracket.

This one is going to set your wallet back a bit, but we think that the value is there. The paywall helps to dissuade those who aren’t serious, and you’re left with those who are willing to dedicate the time and effort needed to facilitate deep connections. What have you got to lose? We think it’s worth a go, at the very least.

Profiles are verified

Members are all 50 years and above

Hosts real life events

14-day money back guarantee

Lots of members

1 month39.99 £ / month39.99 £
3 months24.99 £ / month74.97 £
6 months19.99 £ / month119.94 £

Matchmaking based on a scientific personality assesment

Matchmaking has both its supporters and its critics, but what Be2 are doing in the space is something new entirely. They have found a way to bring traditional matchmaking principles to scale in a major way. Their in-depth personality assessments feeds information to advanced algorithms that helps singles find others who have the right intentions and are the kind of people that they likely to get along with. You only have to look at the success they’ve enjoyed, to see that Be2 represents an exciting development in the space.

Before you even get to matching with someone else, the onboarding process guides you through a period of self-reflection so you can clarify exactly what matters to you and what you’re looking for. This helps you to clear out the list of things that we often look for in a partner and forces us to reckon with what really matters at the end of the day. In order to be in a meaningful relationship, we have to first understand who we are and what makes us tick. The personality tests on the Be2 platform are a great way to start on this journey.

You’ll pay more here than some other options but all that goes into the technology itself. It’s much more than just a mere dating site and that’s why you’re paying top prices for it. Even if you don’t find the right person, you might just learn something about yourself that can help you in the future. And if you do find the right person, then you can thank your lucky stars that you gave it a go.

Algorithm based matchmaking

Members are serious about their search for love

Partner suggestions are based on personality

The price is above average

Profile pictures are blurred unless you become a paid member

3 months39.99 £ / month119.97 £
6 months29.99 £ / month179.94 £
12 months19.99 £ / month239.88 £

Online Dating site for those over 50 but still young at heart

If you’re looking for a vibrant community of singles over 50, then look no further than Silver Singles. They are one of the best places to go if you’re looking to find love and companionship because they’ve nurtured the most endearing group of users that you could ever imagine.

The platform doesn’t have all the bells and whistles that are present in others, but instead just focuses on the few features that make all the difference. Once you’ve filled out your profile and let the site do its thing, you’ll be shown a list of carefully created matches which you can work through however you’d like. These matches are determined through personality compatibility assessments and a bit of magic so that you can be assured that you won’t be wasting your time. They do an excellent job in matching people together in a way that encourages vulnerability and authenticity – both of which are key components of a senior dating experience.

If you do give it a go, we think that you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what you experience. The interface is simple, and you’ll be up and running before you know it. We’ve heard from so many seniors who really appreciate how easy it is navigate the app and use it effectively. There really is no good reason not to try it out – because it might just be the secret weapon you’ve been searching for.

Senior dating for people above 50

Safe and secure site

Matchmaking based on personality

Simple and easy to use

3 months24.95 £ / month74.85 £
6 months14.95 £ / month89.70 £
12 months13.95 £ / month167.40 £

Extremely popular dating app targeting young singles

It’s hard to imagine what a platform of over 40m people might even look like, but Zoosk manages to sidestep any preconceived notions with an agile and exciting interface that attracts young singles of all types to be a part of the fun. Their>

Great for finding short-term or long-term relationships

40 million users worldwide

Activity on the site is high

Unique features and a great mobile app

1 month29.99 £ / month29.99 £
3 months20.00 £ / month60.00 £
6 months15.00 £ / month90.00 £
Dating site for Christian singles

If you’re a devout Christian and you’re looking to find a partner who shares your faith, then is for you. The site is designed for Christians, by Christians, and the values and ethos shine through in every part of the process.

The site has been operational for over 20 years by now and it continues to connect people looking to fate for marriage. Thanks to the focus, you’ll never have to doubt the intentions of someone you’re speaking to because you know that your faith is going to make sure that you are aligned. Everything from the back end to the front-end is built with this in mind and you get a carefully curated experience that you just won’t find elsewhere. It’s a breath of fresh air, to be frank, and is one of the best ways for a Christian to find love in today’s crazy world.

Some are turned off by the price, but it’s probably a worthwhile investment for those who are serious about finding someone to marry. If you’re on the fence, be sure to make use of their generous free trial which allows you to use the platform for a while to see how things go. We think that if you give it a try, you might just discover that the price is worth it because of the kinds of people you can be connected with. Quality over quantity.

Singles share same Christian values and beliefs

Generous free trial to test-drive the platform

Self-selects for people looking for serious relationships

Expensive monthly subscription

Only suitable for believing Christians

How much does a membership at Christian Cafe cost?

1 month32.83 £ / month32.83 £
3 months17.02 £ / month51.07 £
6 months13.38 £ / month80.27 £

When it comes to casual dating, C-Date is the undisputed leader. Their platform has the most advanced safety and anonymity mechanisms in the business so you can focus on the excitement of finding casual dating partners without worrying about your activities leaking out in any way. You can let go of the societal expectations and connect with other like-minded individuals who want the same thing as you.

You avoid the awkwardness that exists on more general apps, and instead of playing games – you can get straight down to business because everyone knows why they’re on the site. Casual hookups are so much more fun as a result. C-Date have built an environment that celebrates spontaneity, open-mindedness, and a willingness to push boundaries. This liberation could just be the source of your next adventure if you’re willing to take the leap.

This site is not for long-term relationships, there are plenty others that deliver in that department. This is for those who want no-strings attached fun that will live in their memory bank way longer than the experience actually lasted. If this sounds like you, then click off this review and get straight to it – your partners await your call.

Perfect for casual hookups

Free premium trial

Fairly cheap to use

Free to use for women

1 month9.90 £ / month9.90 £
3 months13.30 £ / month39.90 £
6 months4.98 £ / month29.90 £

Out of all of the senior dating sites, TrueLifePartner is one of our favorites because they’ve been able to maintain a somewhat intimate community even as their user base has expanded well past the 1m mark. They are without doubt one of the safest and most reliable ways to find singles above the age of 50 who share your interests and worldview. Their success is no accident.

If you’re over 50, you’re going to find a wide range of people on the site who want to inject new life into the dating scene and are looking for like-minded people to connect with. When you start conversations, you’ll find that there’s something special about this community that’s hard to put into words. And if text isn’t working for you, they’ve got a really innovative video calling feature which can bring you face to face with your match. This is a wonderful way to test for chemistry and compatibility before committing to a real in-person date. When you combine this with the personality compatibility features that come as part of the profile setup process, you’ve got yourself a really powerful combination. It’s a great example of what modern online dating can look like when it’s done the right way.

If you want to send any messages, you need to sign up for the premium membership but that’s something that’s well worth doing because it opens up the whole community to you and allows you to jump on your first video call in no time at all. Before you know it, you could be chatting it up with someone who takes your breath away. Don’t hesitate on this one – get involved!

Perfect for singles over 50 looking for love

Matchmaking is based on a scientific personality test

Video calls

How much does a membership at TrueLifePartner cost?

1 month19.99 £ / month19.99 £
3 months39.99 £ / month119.97 £
6 months29.99 £ / month174.94 £

Simply put, Victoria Milan is the best place to go if you’re looking for a discrete affair. It’s built specifically for married and attached people who want something private and casual on the side of their relationship. It’s not for everyone, for sure, but for those who are looking – you won’t find a better spot. They have done a truly professional job, building systems and processes that protect anonymity, verify profiles, and champion privacy – so that you can have complete peace of mind as you connect with others who are also looking for an affair.

We’ve heard many stories about how the site has revived love lives and breathed fresh air into people who just haven’t been able to make it happen in their marriage anymore. There is no judgment on the site, it just focuses on reigniting that passion by connecting people for casual fun. And boy, is it fun. Everyone involved is there for the same reason and this means that there aren’t any wires being crossed in the process. Victoria Milan delivers discrete affairs in a way that no other site does, cutting through the nonsense and being unapologetic about what it is and who it’s for. It’s the market leader for a reason.

While many are uncomfortable with the idea of affairs, there are just as many who rely on services like these to spark what has gone dull and find connection that they have since lost. The passion and spontaneity shines through here making it one of the most exciting online dating experiences on the market.

For people looking for an affair or a casual hookup

Registration is quick and easy

Promotes adultery

Not ideal for finding the love of your life

How much does a membership at Victoria Milan cost?

3 months19.99 £ / month59.97 £
6 months14.99 £ / month89.94 £
12 months9.99 £ / month119.88 £

Sugar dating refers to a mutually beneficial relationship where the lifestyle of a rich and successful person is a major part of what brings the two people together – and if that’s what you’re looking for – then you have to be on RichMeetsBeautiful. The site is unapologetic about what it provides and that’s quite refreshing.

Some people find the concept a bit bizarre, it certainly is unconventional, but it continues to gather steam and if you talk to its proponents, you’ll hear just how passionate some people are about these sorts of arrangements. For the right person, RichMeetBeautiful can be the catalyst for a relationship that can transform your life. It attracts like-minded people who think in a similar way to you and aren’t scared of being open and upfront with it. As such, you get a platform that delivers exactly what it promises.

If this sounds like it’s up your alley, then be sure to give it a try. The interface is well-built, the experience is top-notch, and you can get started relatively quickly. The userbase is still relatively small, but it won’t stay like that for long. The secret is out, and people are flocking to the site to take advantage of the opportunities it provides. Don’t miss out on this one!

Dating site for sugar dating

Great for sugar daddies, mommas, and babes

Blog contains lots of useful information about sugar dating

Could use more members

You won’t get far without a paid membership

How much does a membership at RichMeetBeautiful cost?

1 month39.99 £ / month39.99 £
3 months29.99 £ / month89.97 £
12 months14.99 £ / month179.88 £

How do I succeed with dating online?

The best way to be successful with online dating is to be yourself. This sounds cliché but it’s the one thing that will stand you in good stead, regardless of what site you’re on. When you’re authentic, both in your profile and in your conversations, you can make real connections and keep the conversation flowing in a genuine way.

Once you’ve found someone with whom you have chemistry, focus your efforts on showing as much interest in the other person as possible, and then sharing the things that you are passionate about when appropriate. If you follow these simple principles, you can have great success with online dating and who knows, maybe you find the love of your life…

How do I start a conversation?

The tried and tested method is to make a comment referring to a mutual interest. Often you can find these details on their profile and use it to kickstart a conversation.

Alternatively, ask them a question about themselves. This is a great way to get people to open up as long as you show genuine interest in their answer.

The final way to get things started is to use a joke or an intriguing one-liner of some sort. This is definitely the more risky option and is not for everyone, but if that’s your personality, go for it and let that lead into the conversation. A sense of humour is a large part of online dating so by going there first, you set the precedent for the fun that is to come.

What is online dating?

Online dating refers to the use of online websites and apps to connect with other singles over the internet. Instead of hoping to bump into that special someone at a bar or a party, online dating creates a virtual environment filled with eligible singles for you to meet. The industry for this has boomed in recent years and every online dating site has its own philosophy and way of doing things – but the general principle remains the same.

You match up online, chat a bit to confirm that you are compatible, and then hopefully you transition that into a real in-person date. In today’s modern world, online dating has lost the stigma it once has and is now the facilitator of millions of relationships and dating experiences worldwide.

What is the best way to date online?

The first thing you need to figure out is exactly what you’re looking for. There are a range of different dating options out there but unless you have some clarity on what’s important to you, it’s going to be hard to wade through the noise.

Once you know what you’re looking for, do your research and pick the right platform(s) for you. Our comparisons above should be very helpful in this regard and it will ensure that you concentrate your efforts in the right places.

Once you’re on the sites, it’s all about showing your true self and putting yourself out there. Don’t take things too seriously and keep your sense of humour intact as you connect with various people. It’s tempting to be impatient here, but just stick it out and eventually you’ll find someone that you find compelling. This take time and patience, but it’s well worth it in the end. Invest in it and you’ll get your reward.

Best Dating Site In Your 30s And 40s

Why is online dating so hard for guys?

Best Dating Sites In Your 40s

Unfortunately, as a male, the numbers are always going to be against you. On every platform available the ratio of men to women is very skewed towards men, so online dating is significantly harder for men. Every woman is bombarded with messages which they struggle to keep up with, and on the other side of the equation, men can get a bit disillusioned by a lack of responses even though they see plenty of women on the platform. This mismatch is something to be aware of so that you can understand the dynamics of this game.

Don’t be discouraged. Focus on bringing value to the conversations you’re a part of and know that with a little creativity in your messaging, you can stand out from the rest. When the right person comes along, you’ll forget about all the hardships you went through to find them. Trust us.

What online dating sites in the UK are the best?

This is not an easy question to answer. Every site has its own pros and cons and your experience is going to vary based on your circumstances and expectations.

The reviews above represent our opinions on the various options and hopefully that should give you enough information to make an informed choice that is right for you. But, regardless of what site you go on, you are going to get out what you put in. Your attitude matters, first and foremost. Every site we’ve reviewed here has a strong network of people for you to meet and as long as you are authentic and real, while staying true to the values you care about, you can make it work.

Don’t fall into analysis paralysis. Pick a site and get started as soon as possible. You can always move around later.

What are the pros and cons of online dating?

The pros of online dating are that you can access vast numbers of potential matches from the comfort of your own home, you can chat to them and get to know them before meeting them, you are able to narrow down your selection on various meaningful criteria, and you can avoid the awkwardness of approaching people in real life when you’re not sure if they’re single. The cons are that online dating sites are sometimes used by scammers, they can be a bit superficial in some instances, some of them require a paid monthly subscription, and you don’t know how many other people your chosen match is talking to while they are talking to you. All in all, the pros really do outweigh the cons and online dating represents a key component of courting in the modern world.