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The online dating world can be filled with fetishes, freaks and romantic faux pas. Few dating sites have managed to filter through the weirdos effectively.
Plenty, however, have opted to corral all of the unique online daters into communities of singles with like-minded tastes instead. We scoured the web for the wackiest dating worlds out there.
Here’s the 11 weirdest dating sites of 2015:

Darwin Dating
Conventional dating sites pride themselves on providing a unique, accepting social platform for all singles — something for everyone” — regardless of physical appearance. Darwin Dating takes a more concentrated approach. Those with mid-digit hair, perms or pocket protectors, look elsewhere. DarwinDating.com is for singles searching for “online dating, minus ugly people.”
URL: darwindating.com
Biker Kiss
If you’re still searching for your ride-or-die soul mate, look no further. BikerKiss.com was the first biker online dating outlet, and it’s now been around for more than 14 years. The site has become the largest and most effective resource for biker-loving singles. No matter what you ride on two wheels, you’ll find friends and singles who share your love for life on the highway at BikerKiss.com.
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URL: bikerkiss.com
For you farmers, animal lovers and ranching enthusiasts, FarmersOnly.com understands what city folk just don’t. Created in May of 2005, this unique dating portal serves rural folk of all ages and is geared toward those who appreciate traditional values. Of their 200,000 members, FarmersOnly estimates it is responsible for at least one country couple gettin’ hitched each week.
URL: farmersonly.com
EquestrianCupid is an online network for horse lovers to meet other equestrian friends, discover new trails to embark on together and pursue country living at its finest. EquestrianCupid.com is the largest online community of cowboys and cowgirls, making it the best place for single horseback riding enthusiasts to meet other singles who share their equestrian passion.
URL: equestriancupid.com
Sea Captain Date
If a nautical romance is what you need, try SeaCaptainDate.com. This is the premier online dating community for captains who are tired of navigating the stormy seas of love. The site’s CEO Bill Kay says, “In the unforgiving ocean of love, let us be your lighthouse.” Find thousands of other companion-seeking captains at SeaCaptainDate.com.
URL: seacaptaindate.com
Uniform Dating
Finally, a dating network that caters to the true all stars of the world. UniformDating.com is helping the communities’ bravest and strongest singles find loves that appreciate their demanding lifestyles. Police officers, firefighters, military men and women, doctors, nurses and flight crews are finding the love their deserve at UniformDating.com.
URL: uniformdating.com
Tall Friends
Height differences can be awkward and problematic in the love department. Those of us of average heights are blissfully unaware of the perils of being the 6-foot-4-inch single in a sea of 5-footers. TallFriends.com is a safe place for the vertically blessed to congregate and find other tall-minded people to connect with.
URL: tallfriends.com
Gluten-free living can uproot your diet and reek havoc on your social life. GlutenFreeSingles.com is an online community for those with intolerance or allergies to gluten, as well as Celiac disease. Whether you’re looking for a love life with a gluten-free partner, or just a social life with recipe sharing and activities, GlutenFreeSingles is the perfect networking hub for the GF life!
URL: glutenfreesingles.com
Women Behind Bars
Women Behind Bars was created in 1997 to serve as a unique prison pen pal system. Since then, its implementation has helped female inmates focus on creating a better life for themselves after the end of their sentence. The site now has thousands of users and has been featured on USA Today, The Discovery Channel and Fox News Chicago.
URL: womenbehindbars.com

2015 Free Dating Site In Usa No Credit Card Required
A clever twist on the quintessential personal ads, Purrsonals is the place where cat lovers search for other feline-loving companions. If your furry friend is a priority in your life, he or she plays an important role in the friends and partners you choose. This unique dating site was featured on the Ellen Degeneres Show and has been fitfully deemed “The Cat Lovers Social Network.”
URL: purrsonals.com
Singles With Food Allergies
Individuals with food allergies are already bogged down with challenges in their daily life. Those food-related struggles shouldn’t have to inhibit their dating lives. Singles with Food Allergies is a space where singles with any dietary restrictions can feel free to be themselves and find romantic partnerships and friends with compatible kitchen pantries.
URL: singleswithfoodallergies.com
New Dating Sites 2015 Free
Photo sources: expertbeacon.com; instantcheckmate.com; facebook.com; twitter.com; blog.kindred.ly; womenbehindbars.com